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Clever Offsets IS NOW

With surfacing and structuring accurate data as our North Star, Clever has been building from ground up for AI modeling.


Connect with us on LinkedIn for the very latest.


No, we haven’t handed over our data acquisition process to AI.  Accuracy here cannot be compromised, and inaccurate raw data can lead users to make costly mistakes when their models tell them to build or buy the wrong asset.


Instead we take a blended approach to data acquisition—humans in the loop assisted by tech tools.  To de-risk operations, we measure our time and cost to acquisition, continually decreasing costs as we optimize our processes.  For the messiest of data, it costs us $1 for 300 cells.  AI can’t do what we do.  It can’t even come close—structuring messy data has always been a computer science problem and it’s not one that this current generation of AI will solve.


Built for business of today where skilled analysts meticulously craft models, considering all the variables, running test cases, building hedges, Clever is also built for the AI modeling of tomorrow.  Clever is the only place to get the accurate data sets rich and deep enough to train supply-side models.


We already have the largest database of its kind.  Plus our data acquisition process is the best around.  Any competitor has to re-do everything we’ve already done.  And there are no shortcuts; we know because we’re always on the lookout for ways to improve and innovate.


Demo Day


Video from our Techstars Demo Day is now available.  See what Rick Beaumont, CEO and Founder, had to say about how Clever is going to transform the carbon markets. Can't watch the whole thing?  Pick up at timestamp 2:30 to hear what Clever is all about.

User Feedback

Clever's try-before-you-buy web app is live, public, and free!  Check out coverage of the press release.


We cherish the moments spent with actual enterprise users of our web app because everything we do is about serving their needs and solving their pain points.  Their feedback means everything to us and we're excited to share with you some of their valuable insights:

  • Users love Clever’s beautiful, clean, smooth design with just the right dropdown menus.  The data presentation is simple and rich.  Pascal said some version of “if I had more time, I’d have written a shorter letter.”  At Clever, we understand the value of simplicity in a complex environment, and we take pride in presenting information in the most user-friendly way possible.

  • Users prefer our blended approach to data acquisition and entry, giving them the confidence that our data is 100% true.  While AI is still too error-prone, our hybrid method for structuring data, starting from unstructured sources, involves meticulous scrutiny by human experts for each data point entered.  We enhance their efficiency and speed by leveraging a range of technological tools. 

  • Users are excited for the thicker web of connections we’re developing between projects, methodologies, and soon-to-come project developers.  When determining what to build, where to build it, and which partners to engage along the way, you need access to all the right information.  Real world data is the most effective foundation for modeling the future.  No where else can market participants access a deeper or more complete source of data than from Clever.

  • Users love the agility and responsiveness of Clever’s data pipeline.  If a user requests a specific data field that we don't currently have, we can quickly confirm our ability to obtain it—usually within a matter of days. Users value our understanding of both the data landscape and our capabilities, ensuring timely and reliable delivery.

  • Although Clever is built to enable next-gen AI functionality empowering users to chat with their data, instructing it to optimize their models, users know that the only way to build a predictive quantitative model at all is to first understand market supply through data and relationships.  It’s not yet the future, so humans employing critical analysis still need to build, understand, and explain their models to principals.  Clever’s built for today and for tomorrow.


AS ALWAYS, let us know what you want to know more about.  We aren’t afraid to go into depth here in these newsletters to provide real substance.

New California law takes effect


Meanwhile, CA AB1305 is now in effect, requiring disclosure of specific details regarding VCM credits underpinning ESG claims.  Last week AB2331, a bill to “clarify” the scope of AB1305, was referred to committee.


While Clever does not provide legal advice, we support those who do.  Ask your lawyers if they are using Clever to keep hours and hours of their research from getting onto your bill.


Compliance with this law is a data question.  Just plug into Clever's core product the serial number or any details you have about your VCM credits, and watch as we provide all the necessary information to meet state law disclosure requirements.  It's that simple!


Clever’s here to help businesses and law firms with compliance issues; just another use for our structured data.

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