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November Wrap-Up: Techstars Demo Day and Clever's Freemium Launch

Big News for Clever Join us for our Demo Day live pitch with Techstars Alabama EnergyTech Accelerator, powered by Alabama Power, on December 5, 2023 in Birmingham, AL. Let us know if you can attend, and don't forget to bring a challenging question—engaging with tough questions is where Clever truly shines. Get ready to invest! Clever is gearing up to launch a capital raise in January with the goal of closing within Q1 2024. Please continue to connect us with smart seed-level investors in this space. Freemium Product Launch Get ready for the big reveal! Clever's freemium product is set to launch in December, and we couldn't be more excited. Consider it our special gift to spread some holiday cheer. A huge thank you to all our premarket invitees for their valuable feedback, which we've used to make improvements. We can't wait to learn what you think about it. New Development Contract After reviewing options, we are pleased to re-engage Paralect in a new development contract that began this week. We are so excited to show you all the improvements, new features, and other work they are helping us bring to market! Carbon Dioxide Removal This month, we had the amazing opportunity to explore Clever's potential entry into the CDR market space. We had the pleasure of meeting with Fortune-ranked companies who are leading the way in CDR investment. Additionally, we had an incredibly informative and exciting site visit to the National Carbon Capture Center, which is a partnership between Southern Company and the U.S. Department of Energy. We would like to extend our gratitude to our host, John Carroll, and to Joy Yang for facilitating the connection.

Clever's Solution to California's Novel Law Requiring Disclosure for the Voluntary Carbon Markets and Green Claims

Taking effect January 1, 2024 California Assembly Bill 1305 applies reporting requirements to entities operating in California that market, sell, purchase, or use voluntary carbon offsets (VCOs) in the state or make certain marketing claims. Civil penalties are not to exceed $2,500 each day information is inaccurate or unavailable and not to exceed $500,000 in total. Clever is uniquely situated to facilitate compliance with California state reporting requirements. It’s yet one more application radiating from Clever’s core data product that we are perfectly situated to provide. We can’t say it enough: access to reliable information is the key that will unlock this market’s potential. Good, clean, comprehensive data is a prerequisite for the transparency and confidence required for this market to scale and mature. The new law make’s Clever’s data invaluable now even to companies aggregating offsets and selling them OR buying them through APIs or spot purchases. Just bring us a serial number, project ID, or some other scrap of information about your VCOs and Clever can tell you everything you need in order to comply with California state law.

Quick Ask - Board of advisors? We're toying with the idea of having an advisory board. Any thoughts on this? Maybe you've had some nightmare experiences in the past that taught you a thing or two? What are your views on voting vs. non-voting? And how about the composition of members and term limits? We're all ears! Give us your input while we continue to discuss this internally.

December's Featured New Tool: 'There's a Methodology for That...' We've all had those conversations with someone who reads an article and then gets inspired, wondering if a particular business activity could actually generate carbon credits. Well, guess what? We've developed a tool that can satisfy their curiosity and provide them with all the information they need to create a project that generates credits. AND THIS TOOL WILL BE FREE! All part of Clever's thesis of growing the pie by lowering barriers to enter this complex market and increasing transparency.

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